31 Jan Get more bang for your blog! 5 breezy tips for social media promotion
So, you’ve spent hours writing and editing your blog article. You’ve done your final polish – feeling proud as punch about your quality piece.
Now what? Publish it on your website and go home? No siree.
Your blog shouldn’t exist in its own ‘time-out corner’ of the internet. It deserves to be seen in as many places as possible. And by the right people.
But how can you make sure your target audience sees that content? And, more importantly, how do you persuade them to actually read it?
Promote it on your social media, of course! Whether that’s LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram, you need to alert your followers with a scroll-stopping post.
Because I hate to break it to you, but a one-liner that reads “Check out our new blog!” is not going to stop your time-poor, fickle followers in their tracks.
So, what will help you stop their scrolling? Let’s find out.
1. Make it snappy
When promoting your blog on social media, be concise.
Your blog posts are allowed to be long. But when your audience is scrolling on social media, they’re looking for short and sweet bite-sized info. Only the need-to-know bits of all the online buzz and chatter.
Consider how much information you take in while scrolling social media.
Are you remembering every word in a long, run-on paragraph? Or is it the rhetorical questions, three short bullet points and snappy calls-to-action that draw you in?
2. Make it enticing
A magician may never reveal their secrets… but you can – especially if it’s for a higher purpose.
Social media posts can act like a movie trailer for your longer content.
Select the most compelling sentences and paragraphs from your blog and turn them into excerpts. Or highlight just a few key points to draw your followers in.
For example, if you have a blog with 7 tips, share 3 of them in your post, enticing your readers to find out the rest.
Quotable, bite-sized nuggets of wisdom from your blog are quick and easy to create. And they give your reader a delicious sample of what’s on offer.
3. Make it visual
It’s all well and good to produce practically perfect copy. But in the wild west of the social media landscape, you also need interesting visuals to stand out.
Did you know a post on LinkedIn with a relevant image has a 55% higher recall rate than a post with only text?
So if you want to really earn your audience’s attention and engagement, strap on your creative boots and create an image to promote your post.
Because bold, purposeful imagery or graphics that highlight your key message is the way to go.
4. Make it personal
There are two hard and fast facts about marketing.
The first? The person who knows your brand best, is you. The second? Your audience wants to feel heard.
With these two facts in mind, you can further amplify your blog articles on social media by:
- Sharing your articles in a more personalised way. This might mean messaging individuals personally with a little ‘thought of you’ note and link to your blog post. Yes, you heard me right – slide into those DMs and shoot your shot! (Just make sure it really is relevant to them, though!)
- Being proactive in responding to your followers’ comments about your blog article. Your audience will feel seen. And it creates more activity on your original post – which will get picked up by the algorithm and ultimately attract even more eyeballs. Double win!
Getting personal will help you stay top of mind. And top of heart!
5. Make it trend
The cherry on top of your post? Hashtags.
First, research the hashtags your audience and competitors are using. You want to be part of that conversation!
Then, find the balance between specific and broad topics. Think of it like Goldilocks.
You don’t want anything too precise, like #allnaturalskincaretipsandtricks. But you also don’t want anything too generic, like #skin.
Instead, you would use something unique, relevant and searchable. Like #organicskincare. That feels juuuust right.
Using hashtags that are niche, or industry specific, is the best way for your target audience to find you!
Want more tips for speaking up and speaking clearly on social media? Check out our 12 FREE tips to spice up your digital writing, over at the RM Content Lab!