18 May Do you offer a complete web solution for your clients?
If you’re a web designer or you work for a digital agency, chances are your clients expect you to advise them on all aspects of their online strategy. But do you tell them that good content is critical to their online success?
It still surprises me that web designers rarely offer content writing services. Nor do they even provide feedback on content.
They just expect clients to deliver it. Crazy.
I‘ve spoken to web designers about this issue. And I’m typically faced with the same objection, “but we focus on what we do best…”.
Not good enough.
To me this approach is like a pie without the meat inside. Or a bridal party without the bride. A key ingredient is missing. It won’t work.
Don’t treat the content as a peripheral part of the process. (I would argue it’s the most important part.)
What’s the point of a beautifully designed site if the words don’t engage the audience?
I’m not suggesting you become an expert content writer overnight. We already exist. We’re out there. Rather, find a writer you can partner with or refer your clients to – and give your clients more than just eye-candy.
Give them a site that connects with their audience. And gets results.